You Were Born In My Heart

So it came to be Mary and Joseph were married.
As they were settling in to their new home, an order was given.

All people had to return to the town of their birth to be registered and counted.
This meant Mary and Joseph must journey a long distance.

Joseph worried it was dangerous to be traveling so close to the time of the baby’s arrival.
Mary gently reminded him of God’s promise the Savior would be born in Bethlehem, the city of David.

And to Bethlehem they must go.

He remembered the promise as well.

Sensing God’s hand and seeing how brave and determined Mary was, he agreed to go,
trusting God would make it all possible.
Joseph carefully packed everything they would need, bringing along a small donkey for Mary to ride.

The Journey to Bethlehem

The trip was long and difficult, but Joseph and Mary did not give up.

They slowly traveled many miles, all the way to Bethlehem. When they arrived, the city was crowded with people. Looking and looking for a place to stay, they found nothing. Joseph could see it was almost time for Mary to have the baby. As they prayed for God’s help, an innkeeper took pity on them and offered a place to rest. It was only a stable where animals were kept,
not really a room at all.

Seeing the exhaustion on Mary’s face, Joseph quickly agreed.

That night Mary gave birth to a beautiful child. Joseph remembered the angel’s words. They gave the baby the name Jesus as the angel had said. The name means “one who saves”. Mary looked at Joseph with a face full of joy. She wrapped the baby warmly and held him close. They stayed together in the stable for many days with the animals to keep them company.
Joseph watched as she cared for her little one. He thought, the baby has his mother, but do I know how to be a father?
He silently asked God’s help to become the man he wanted to be.

One evening, as Joseph gathered up the baby,
an amazing thing happened.
For the first time, he stared up at Joseph with wide-open eyes.

It was a look of complete wonder.

Gazing back at the tiny face, Joseph was suddenly filled with the most powerful love he had ever known. All of his doubts and worries disappeared. Joseph only wanted to fiercely protect this child with all his being. In awe, he watched as the baby drifted off to sleep.
Joseph knew in that moment his son, although not born of his body, was now born in his heart.
 You Were Born In My Heart

 Text and Illustrations from Joseph’s Heart: A Story of Adoption by Mary Clare Evans

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